Why "Just Because...In Blue"?

I am using google adsense on my "Just Because..." blog.

The Adsense terms of service specifically prohibit posting "offensive" material. That rule severly limits some of what my brain vomits out. So, I will be spewing my Blue material here for those who dare to read.

Friday, January 29, 2010



So I'm fuckin' forty years old (as of 7 days ago).  As expected, I don't feel much different. I know now, as I think I should have known all along, that I am who I am and I will continue to be so.

I'm still rebellious. I still don't give a shit what anyone thinks of me. I'm still not a Boy Scout even though I played the part of Assistant Cub Master for a brief time. I still cuss and talk nasty. I still have a problem with teachers and principals. I still love heavy metal and I still like to jump in the pit and mosh.

So. Check in with me in 10 years and see if 50 mellows me out.

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